Remote Session on Alive Pet or Animal
Service Description
Entities will usually target your surroundings as well as you and this certainly includes your pets. By seeing their health decline this will build trauma wounds and negative emotional energy worsening your state. This along with your pets generating soul energy is the main reason when they target them. Dogs will often take on negative energy from their own in an effort to help them but will usually take on too much and end up in a terrible energetic state. Cats will take on negative energy from you as well but are much better at knowing when to stop. If they take on too much of your own targeting or they get overwhelmed then it's up to someone else to step in and clear them as they will be on a downward spiral otherwise. Negative entities will target animals with the same tactics they use on people. They have a smaller soul and energy body than people have which makes them occur energetic damage faster. But it also leads to them purging energy and getting back in to a healthy state faster. In the session I will do the following; Soul Retrieval Soul Restoration Soul Contract Erasure Cord Cutting Energy Body Clearing and Restoration Code Body Reset Entity Erasure Implant Erasure Chakra Overlay Erasure Shielding Curse Erasure And clearing of other manifestations of negative energy, portals, programs etc. If there are any particular health or behavioral problems let me know and I'll make sure to check for the cause of them.
Contact Details
Hill Road, Falkland, Cupar, Scotland, UK